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First Lecture of Cloud Native Computing

· One min read

Inaugural Lecture at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Just in time for the start of the summer semester 2022, our Head of Cloud Native Computing held his inaugural lecture as a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

Dr.-Ing. Harald Gerhards supports the university as a lecturer in the newly accredited master's program "Artificial Intelligence". The focus of the elective module will be that students get to know cloud-native characteristics and architecture patterns and practice using important tools from the field (Docker, Kubernetes, Apache Kafka, Git and others).

As a certified Gold Partner of SUSE, infologistix has been working on building cloud-native platforms for our customers for several years. In this way, we create the conditions for scalability, fast adaptations of applications, near-real-time data analysis, AI-supported evaluations and much more for our customers.